Oh, and be warned that your wife will be seeking revenge, so sleep with one eye open. You can also mess with her phone settings and beauty products.

We take no responsibility if you end up on the couch tonight. With this in mind, what are some safe pranks you can use for your girlfriend on April Fools’ Day April Fools jokes for girlfriends and wives involving household items like showers, shampoos, and clocks are safe options. That being said, one quick disclaimer: Proceed with these April Fools’ Day pranks on your wife at your own discretion. To that end, here’s a carefully curated list that, while guaranteed to get on your spouse's nerves, are less likely to backfire than many popular others. What is the best SIMPLE April fools day prank you know I completely forgot that tomorrow is April first and dont have a lot of time to go shopping for a plunger, barbed wire and packaging tape or whatever extravagant stuff people do nowadays. Let’s be real: April Fools' pranks should be all in good fun, and it should be obvious to both the pranker and prankee. You can April Fool your girlfriend by doing a prank in her home. It should make the person laugh and give them a mild scare. A good April Fools prank will be surprising, playful, and a little silly. Now, this isn’t an endorsement of April Fools’ pranks on wives that could wind up hurting someone's feelings, damaging anyone's property, or causing any long-term discomfort. April Fools is the day for pranking those near and dear to you, including your girlfriend. For those of you who are looking for some great long-distance April Fool’s Day pranks, here are some of my favorites. But when the creative juices run dry, we’re here to help out with a few good April Fool’s pranks over text that you can pull off right away. These ideas for April Fools' Day pranks to play on your wife vary in how much effort they require, but are all sure to get a little “ha,” or maybe even a fully satisfying belly laugh, depending on how good of a sport your wife really is). Ma Amol Ahlawat Spread the love It’s that time of the year again, and you’re cooking up ways in your head to mess with your partner. Everyone has a day of recognition you also have, it’s on April 1st 2. After all, if you've never pranked your wife before, she will be completely unsuspecting, which guarantees that the end results will be even better. Funny April Fools Day Prank Messages for Girlfriend 1. April Fools’ Day falls on a Saturday this year, meaning that those of us who don’t work weekends may not be able to prank our colleagues in the office. If you don't typically celebrate April Fools’ Day, this is the year to start.